Validate and share user-generated content

Improve the quality and effectiveness of your learning content by empowering subject matter experts to review, validate and share it across the organization

Leverage the expertise within your organization to ensure accuracy and consistency of shared content, tag it appropriately to improve visibility and share it publicly or only to your learner audiences who need it most, when they need it most

Validate and Approve User-Generated Content

While you want to establish open mechanisms for learners to share their contributions, there might be topics or channels where a formal review of any content by an internal subject matter expert (SME) or other team member is necessary to ensure accuracy and consistency of the shared content. SMEs can set a channel as “requiring peer review.”

Validate e-learning content from SMEs in the organization
Get content reviewed by peers Docebo LMS

Peer Review

The new contribution is analyzed, curated and vetted by experts. The expert may ask clarifying questions, introduce aspects that weren’t part of the original contribution and that need to be highlighted or reviewed, such as a message or a set of specifications and technical details. New tags can then be added to improve searchability.

Share, Publicly or Privately

Approved contributions are published and shared across the organization, with the peace of mind that the information is correct, valuable and can be used for their intended purposes (e.g. a publicly facing marketing message,  technical product datasheet). Published assets can be made available publicly or to specific learner audiences.

Share e-learning content with ease across the organization